Sunday, June 28, 2009

What have I been up to...???

I know, I know, I have been MIA for a while. My summer didn't really start till last Thursday. I had a read write connection workshop and it was 2 weeks long. So I didn't do much until it was over. I have alot of random pics to show. First, about 3 weeks ago we took Jonah with us to get our oil changed cause we were getting our carpets cleaned so he couldn't be in the house, and we were out there for like a little over and hour, and that was the end of it. Jonah got SOOOOO sick. It was awful, I don't know how moms do it with babies, he got so hot that he threw up all day and ran a fever and had the chills...So 2 days later I had to shave him. I did it all by myself if you cant tell?!? He is still sooooo cute... and the rest of the pics I will explain as I go. Before his lion haircut...little fur ball
He was a little hyper and freaked out

I have a couple of to-do lists over the summer. One of them was to put ALL loose pics in albums, I am NOT a scrapbooker, but at least they are organized...It took 2 300 pic albums...But I can take it off my list.
Next, was to organize all of this. I feel sorry for Bob that he has to see this everyday...I know, its alot of jewerly, but I LOVE my jewelry, its my hobby!!! What a mess.

Jonah just watching me get organized!!


SO much better, RIGHT?!?!
Ignore my awful face, it was alot of work!! But I am much happier!!
Bob and Jonah liked it too...Good job, Happy wife happy life right Bob???
Next, was to clean off the book shelf and turn them in to Half Price books!
Bobbers book shelf...So much better, he loves to read!!
My First summer school purchase. Belinda and I get these every year at walmart...I could not live with out it!! Now they have a cute hounds tooth one too!! I love my calendar!! I get so excited to fill it in too...I know I'm weird.
That workshop I went to taught us to teach writing by reading and showing how authors write. So I need to expand my library...I bought 20 this weekend, and 2 books for myself to read too.
I added a new detail to my "canton" wall...

Isn't that so cute. I have always wanted one, but they were usually for kids or dogs...Well, now I have a dog so I got one...So cute....and Yes, I did ALLLLL of this since Thursday, I am the complete opposite of Leigh Ann and My mom....If I can't get it done right then and there I freak out...I cant just sit around and wait to do it. I will continue to blog more often...I love summer!!!


Leigh Ann said...

Can you come organize my jewelry?

B said...

Gotta love our Wally calendars! my goal is to try to be super organized and color code it this year! We will see how long that lasts...

kristin fulghum said...

man, you have been productive! good job.

allyo said...

WOW. Can I come shop in your jewelry drawers? I too love filling calendars!

Jessica said...

Hey Laura- So good to find your blog. I am going to have to start reading it. You are so funny. I'm so impressed with all your "chores" that you got done. I have done all of about nothing on my to-do list since summer started. Will you come do all of mine? I especially liked seeing pictures of all your jewelry organized... you have such cute stuff!