Saturday, August 18, 2007

Good Times!

I love getting together for birthdays!! I love buying gifts, dining, chatting, and laughing!! Today was Belinda's 24th birthday and we had sooo much fun!! We went to Brios for dinner, which I'm sure all of you have heard of. If you haven't you need to was wonderful! We went to the one at South Lake Town Square, and ate soooo much food and dessert!! Lot's of family and friends were there and we laughed the whole time!! Mainly cause we were giving Ernie such a hard time the whole night!! I love my friends, Happy Birthday BEElinda!!!!


Barbara said...

I know this is crazy but I am a blogger in Arizona...I found you by clicking Kindergarten teacher..I also teach kinders..I have my own blog but this year started one for my classroom.. I am having a ball and the parents love it to show all the relatives what the little ones are doing.
Check it out...
Have a great year:)
A fellow teacher, Barbara